about us




Vitoria Elevators is considered one of Helwa Group companies that represent the oldest and most ancient elevator companies in Egypt. It started operating in 1957. Since that time, Helwa Group expanded its business.
In addition, the company provides high-quality products and has served many clients from European countries such as Italy, Spain, Germany, and United State of America.

  • 1980

    The company gave directions to activate the import process.

  • 1981

    The company made an agreement with many European companies, such as Italy, Spain, Germany, and America to import products that meet the needs of the Egyptian market.

  • 1995

    The company has supplied its products to cover all the needs of domestic market, so it began to deal with many companies to import products, such as Schindler from Spain, Savera from Spain, Fuba Lift from Turkey, and Mil-El from Turkey.

  • 2004

    The company began to deal with international companies specializing in Fermator doors.

  • 2008

    The company worked on the activation of the import process and has dealt with various brands, including AL berto Sassi.

  • 2014

    The company began to deal with the major international products of elevator ropes, such as Gustav Wolf.

  • 2017

    The company began to deal with many companies and import products.

Thus, Helwa Group is considered one of the best elevator companies in Egypt.


The company’s vision is as follows:

• Follow-up the modern technological development.

• Keep-up-to date with the latest news and developments related to elevators.

• Import high-quality products.

• Deal with major brands.

• Meet the needs of the Egyptian market.

• Provide the best service to our clients